Wednesday, 25 August 2010

After a few months of travelling and what not....Wee Bonnie Scotland

Wee Bonnie Scotland

After a few frenetic months of being super busy, I am finally able to upload some pictures! These first ones are of my first trip to Scotland this year (others will soon be up).
(These pictures are actually digital pictures of the originals which are from a Kodak throw-away point and shoot)

I have decided that Scotland dislikes me taking a digital camera. Last time I was up (in Fort William last summer) my camera broke half way through the weekend whilst watching the downhill bike trials. This time, 20 minutes into the train journey from North Wales, I realised that I hadn't even packed my camera! I was luckily able to buy a couple of disposables.
I forgot how much I adore the anticipation of waiting for my film to be developed (second only to developing it myself in the dark room), and the techni-colour grainy feel of these pictures makes me glad that I forgot my digital camera. Plus it made me really think about what I wanted to take a picture of. I found that I've got into a habit of just taking photos for the sake of it, rather than actually thinking what I'm trying to take a picture of. Anyone else the same??

From Inverness, we travelled the long way around Loch Ness, across the Isle of Skye, caught the ferry to the Isle of Lewis and drove all the way up and along the single tracks that inhabit the island, trying to dodge the sheep.

Deserted beaches, sun (speckled with rain, but barely) and I even went into the sea...3 times! Granted, it was a short, sharp blast of icy water, but it was so worth it, and a true beach BBQ solves any shivers you may have!

OK - so this is the first in my updates - we have Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Scotland again, and probably a few more to be sprinkled up here. I hope that you will be patient - I'm trying to revise for my looming German retake on Friday...!

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