Howies - My One True Love
At long, long last my Howies hat arrived! This is SO much more than just a hat. It's one of those things that you contemplate over and think about and can't decide whether or not the price outweighs the amazingness of the item. Ever since I saw it in Carnaby Street in the New Year (above), I fell in love with it. One of my New Year's Resolutions was to only buy things that would last, even if it meant paying a bit more. Quality over quantity. My Student Loan may have taken a hit, but it took it for one hell of a hat! The sales are like a waiting game - you have to know exactly when to pounce - too soon, and you pay almost full price (what's the point?!) Wait too long and you may have missed out altogether. I'm hoping that I'm not going to find it even cheaper in a week or so. Either way, it's kept my ears warm in the harsh Welsh wind!
love these pics, your super face made me smile. and those in the last post are charming x