Saturday, 27 February 2010

Wilderness & the Effortlessly Fashionable Ones

One of the best things about doing Geography is the many field trips that we get to go on. These photos are from our latest trip to the Aber Valley in North Wales.
Tomorrow I depart for The Netherlands and Belgium for a week and can't wait! I love going to mainland Europe - their fashion sense always seems so different - lots of skinny jeans with bright (yet sensible and somehow fashionable) footwear, pale, muted colours, or in total contrast, vibrant bright colours. I adore capturing people when they aren't posing, and are so engulfed in their style, that there seems to be no visible effort involved.
These are some of my favourite photos of some such people.

Colourful lady in Bath

Couple in Bath under cover market

Guy in Bath charity shop

Girl at traffic lights, Dublin

Winter girl, HMV, Dublin

My sister, Bournemouth

Couple in Saatchi Gallery, London


It doesn't matter how old you get - surprises never get old.

A weekend doesn't get much better than :

a surprise visit from amazing friends
going out and dancing like a TOTAL loon
acting like a child and enjoying every minute of it
road trips and finding bizarre places (Wales is flooded with them)
a perfectly sized breakfast at 2pm
windy Welsh walks by the seaside
mistaking a plane for a bird
chatting for ages about everything, anything and nothing.

Friday, 5 February 2010

The Night I Lost My Love

I have a tendency to be drawn to illustrations of all sorts. This also goes for street art which I have a huge admiration for. I've always been to comics (The Beano & Dandy were my preference as a child), so when I found this comic strip in The Times titled The Night I Lost My Love I was chuffed as could be. It has such character, not least because the drawing is slightly disjointed and charming because of it; the large eyes are particularly charming, but also the general lay out of the comic strip and the colour plate for the entire thing give a subdue quality that's quite enchanting. We follow Ilona who has been separated from her Love at a party, and goes on a quest to find him with some very interesting conclusions.
Is it just me, or is there something especially engaging about comics (in particular graphic novels) that make you engage with the characters in a way that you somehow can't in books? In any case, Karrie Fransman has uploaded the entire short story onto her website (above link) and I strongly suggest you check it out.